Census 2021

Census 2021 – Ensuring the big decisions are made on the best information
Census 2021 will be key to making sure the big decisions on the future of our hospitals, schools, transport and other public services, following the pandemic and EU exit, are based on the best information possible.
Run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the census – taking place on Sunday 21st March 2021 – is the once-in-a-decade survey that gives the most accurate estimate of all people and households in England and Wales.
The digital-first census will not only provide a fresh picture of the size of all communities, it will also shed light on the health, social and economic changes to our lives. “After years of planning, the census is almost upon us,” Census Director of Operations Pete Benton said:
“In the coming days and weeks you will be hearing more and more about why the census is so important, why you must take part and, crucially, how you can take part. Every household will soon receive a postcard, explaining what a census is, and in early March letters will arrive in the post inviting people to take part in the digital-first census…In light of the coronavirus pandemic, we need this up-to-date information to help shape vital services for the years to come more urgently than ever before and we are making sure everyone can be safely counted in line with all government guidance”.
The Census is quite straight forward to complete and should take about 10 minutes per person to fill in online. There are paper forms available for those who need them, as well as lots of support.
The Corporate Business & Partnership Team are waiting for information about where the help centre will be for Stafford Borough. The centre will be run by the Good Things Foundation and the helpline telephone number will be available soon for residents queries.