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Mayor 2018-19

Town Mayor

Councillor Mrs Kristan Green

The Mayor’s chosen charities are: Age Concern, 1st Stone Scout Group and Staffordshire Therapeutic Independent Neurological Group (STING)

Various fund raising events will be organised throughout the year and monies distributed at the end of the Mayoral year.

To contact the Mayor please call: 01785 619743

Mayoral Calendar 2018-19

  • 11 May  –  RAFA Annual Conference Presidential Drinks – Mayor

    12 May  – Stafford Borough Council Annual Council Meeting & Mayor’s Civic Saturday  –  Mayor

    12 May  –  RAFA Annual Conference  –  Deputy Mayor

    13 May  –  RAFA Centenary Service at the National Memorial Arboretum  –  Mayor

    15 May  –  Age Concern Friendship Club – First outing of Community Bus  –  Mayor

    16 May  –  Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council’s Annual Civic Reception at Keele Hall  –  Mayor

    16 May  –  Royal Wedding Coffee Morning – Age Concern  –  Mayor

    19 May  –  Raising of Union Jack Flag in the High Street for Royal Wedding Day  –  Mayor

    19 May  –  Stone Scout & Guide Band AGM  –  Mayor

    25 May  –  Christ Church Academy – opening of dining room extension  –  Deputy Mayor

    28 May  –  Stone Festival Soap Box Derby  –  Deputy Mayor

  • 01 June  –  Stone Festival Event: Fret & Fiddle (Jazz Band)  – Mayor

    03 June  –  Stone Festival Events: Westbridge 5 Race, Junior Cricket Competition, Raft Race at the Darlaston  Inn, Dog Show in Westbridge Park  –  All attended by the Mayor

    04 June  –  Steeple Chase & Dog Derby –  Mayor

    05 June  –  Sponsored Dog Walk in Market Square and Two-Wheel Tuesday in Market Square  –  Mayor

    06 June  –  Civic & Historical Society Talk at the Frank Jordan Centre ‘ The Americans in Stone and Yarnfield during the Second World War’  –  Mayor

    06 June  –  First Yarnfield Brownies Tour of Council Chamber  –  Mayor

    07 June  –  Lions Walking Treasure Hunt – Start/Finish – Crown & Anchor  –  Mayor

    07 June  –  Kibblestone District Scout Council  –  Mayor

    07 June  –  HMS Collingwood Mess Dinner to observe the 74th anniversary of Operation Neptune  –  Deputy Mayor

    08 June  –  High Sheriff’s Cocktail Party  –  Mayor

    09 June  –  Stone Carnival Judging of Walking Groups and Lorry Floats  –  Mayor

    10 June  –  Stone Festival Bowls Final at Stonefield Park, Festival Church Service at St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church, Festival Quiz at Granvilles  – All attended by the Mayor

    18 June  –  Ex Servicemen’s Bowls Match  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    21 June  –  Lions Mobility 30th Birthday Party  –  Mayor

    23 June  –  ‘Stone Rocks’ at Christ Church Academy  –  Mayor

    24 June  –  Eccleshall Parish Council’s Great War Project and Consecration Service  –  Mayor

    24 June  –  Christ Church 180 Year Anniversary – Songs of Praise  –  Mayor

    24 June  –  St Michael’s 10k Road Race  –  Deputy Mayor

    28 June  –  Christ Church Talk about patron Charles Seimon followed by Afternoon Tea  –  Mayor

    30 June  –  50th Anniversary of Stone Choral Society – Special Anniversary Concert at Keele Hall  –  Deputy Mayor

  • 01 July  –  Stone Town Council – Civic Sunday Parade and Church Service  –  Mayor and Deputy Mayor

    06 July  –  Christ Church 180 Year Anniversary – Flower Festival  –  Mayor

    06 July  –  Christ Church 180 Year Anniversary – Audley Male Voice Choir  –  Mayor

    08 July  –  Christ Church 180 Year Anniversary – Service with Rev. Tim Hanson  –  Mayor

    08 July  –  The Church at the Crossing – Community Fun Day  –  Mayor

    08 July  –  Biddulph Town Council – Civic Service  –  Deputy Mayor

    09 July  –  Stone in Bloom Judging Day  –  Mayor

    14 July  –  Stone Music Festival  –  Mayor

    15 July  –  Cannock Chase Council Civic Service  –  Deputy Mayor

    18 July  –  Allotments Judging  –  Mayor

    20 July  –  HMS Collingwood – Annual Ceremonial Divisions Parade  –  Mayor

    22 July  –  Uttoxeter Town Council – Civic Service  –  Mayor

    22 July  –  Staffordshire Moorlands District Council – Civic Service  –  Deputy Mayor

    25 July  –  Marks & Spencer Food Hall Opening  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    29 July  –  Leek Town Council – Civic Service  –  Mayor

  • 01 August  –  #inmyelement Unity 2018 International Camp  –  Mayor

    04 August  –  Musical Event to Celebrate 45 Years of Fundraising by Paul Milgate-Scarrott  –  Mayor

    05 August  –  Cheadle Town Council – Party in the Park  –  Mayor

    09 August  –  Stafford & Rural Homes Garden Awards  –  Mayor

    18 August  –  Stone by the Sea in Market Square, Stone  –  Mayor

    19 August  –  Burma Star Commemorative Wreath Laying Service & Parade  –  Mayor

  • 02 September  –  Stone and District Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association: A Service of Celebration and Commemoration to mark the Centenary of the Royal Air Force  –  Mayor and Deputy Mayor

    06 September  –  Stone & District Scout Council AGM  –  Mayor

    06 September  –  Royal Air Forces Association Brewery Tour  –  Mayor

    06 September  –  Beat Retreat and Cocktail Reception, Officers Mess, Beacon Barracks  –  Deputy Mayor

    08 September  –  Stone & District Royal Air Forces Association – Transfer of RAF100 Token to the Stafford Branch  –  Mayor

    13 September  –  Tactical Supply Wing’s Battle of Britain & RAF100 Dinner at RAF Stafford  –  Mayor

    15 September  –  Stone Chrysanthemum & Dahlia Society – Presentation of Prizes  –  Mayor

    16 September  –  Stafford Borough Council – Battle of Britain Commemoration and TSW Royal Air Force Freedom Parade  –  Mayor

    20 September  –  Potteries Museum: Private Viewing of the 5th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment WW1 wall hanging and exhibition tour  –  Mayor 

    20 September  –  Stafford & Rural Homes AGM  –  Deputy Mayor

    22 September  –  Lichfield City Council’s Samuel Johnson Birthday Commemoration  –  Mayor

    22 September  –  Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night  –  Mayor

    24 September  –  Uttoxeter Town Council’s Dr Johnson’s Birthday Celebrations at Market Square, Uttoxeter  –  Mayor

  • 01 October  –  Stafford & Rural Homes Older People Day  –  Mayor

    04 October  –  Alzheimer’s Drop in Club 12th Birthday  –  Mayor

    06 October  –  Staffordshire Moorlands Chairman’s Charity Ball  –  Mayor

    08 October  –  Stafford Chamber of Commerce – Office Housewarming  –  Mayor

    09 October  –  Stone Lions Club – Annual Walk for Sight  –  Mayor 

    13 October  –  St Vincent Association Annual General Meeting, 50th Anniversary and Reunion  –  Mayor

    19 October  –  Opening of new Post Office in Stone  –  Mayor

    19 October  –  Stone Town Council’s Trafalgar Dinner  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    21 October  –  Eccleshall Parish Council’s Civic Service  –  Mayor

    21 October  –  Stone Town Council Cup at Stafford & Stone Canoe Club  –  Mayor

    22 October  –  Stafford Borough Mayor’s Charity Appeal  – Curry Evening  –  Mayor

    26 October  –  BEAR Coffee Shop & Bistro Launch Event  –  Mayor

  • 07 November  –  Evening of Readings & Songs at St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church to commemorate the end of the Great War  –  Mayor

    08 November  –  Unveiling of the Richard Vernon bench at St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church  –  Mayor

    09 November  –  Opening of new B & M store in Stone  –  Mayor

    11 November  –  Remembrance Sunday Parade and Church Service in Stone –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    11 November  –  Beacon Lighting Ceremony at St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    15 November  –  Christmas Lights Switch On in Stone  –  Mayor

    17 November  –  Cheadle Town Council – Christmas Lights Switch on  –  Mayor

    17 November  –  Rugeley Town Council –  ‘The Last Day’ theatre performance at the Rugeley Rose Theatre  –  Mayor

    18 November  –  Staffordshire ABF The Soldiers Charity  –  Curry Lunch in the Officers Mess, Beacon Barracks  –  Mayor

    24 November  –  Ashbourne Market Square – Christmas Tree Lights Switch On  –  Mayor

    28 November  –  Girlguiding Stone Outward Division Annual General Meeting/Celebration Event  –  Mayor

    29 November  –  Girlguiding Stone & Eccleshall Division Official Opening of Division Headquarters  –  Mayor

    30 November  –  Uttoxeter Town Council’s Christmas Lights Switch On  –  Mayor

    30 November  –  Stone Festival Christmas Concert  –  Mayor

  • 1 – 24 December  –  Advent Window Openings at different locations each day in Stone to 24 December 2018 – Mayor

    05 December  –  Kibblestone District Scout Council Carol Service  –  Mayor

    09 December  –  Stone Town Mayor’s Carol Service at St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    11 December  –  St Michael’s First School Christmas Nativity Plays Celebratory Event  –  Mayor

    11 December  –  Aston & Little Stoke Scouts Carol Service & Awards  –  Mayor

    12 December  –  Stone & District Stroke Club Christmas Party  –  Mayor

    13 December  –  St Michael’s First School Christmas Nativity Plays  –  Mayor

    15 December  –  Stone Choral Society – Christmas Concert  –  Mayor

    16 December  –  Stafford Borough Council  – Civic Carol Service  –  Mayor

    16 December  –  Ashbourne Town Council’s Christmas Carol Service  –  Deputy Mayor

    18 December  –  Trinity Skills for Life Christmas Service at St Michael & St Wulfad’s Church  –  Mayor

    18 December  –  Stone Lions Christmas Raffle Draw at Morrisons Supermarket  –  Mayor

    18 December  –  Cannock Chase Council’s Christmas Carol Service  –  Mayor

    20 December  –  HMP/YOI Drake Hall Annual Carol Service  –  Mayor

    24 December  –  Last Window Opening at Christ Church  –  Mayor

    25 December  –  Visit to St Mary’s Nursing Home on Christmas Morning  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    29 December  –  Raising of Texas Flag in Stone to mark Stone’s status as the sister city of Cathage in Texas and to celebrate the anniversary of Texas being admitted into the Union in 1845  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

  • 08 January  –  Age Concern Stone & District 50+ Friends Group  –  Mayor

    24 January  –  Stafford Borough Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night  –  Mayor

  • 01 February  –  The Mayor of Lichfield and Sheriff of Lichfield’s Charity Beer & Skittles Night  –  Mayor

    02 February  –  Staffordshire Moorlands District Council’s Burns Night & Scottish Cailidh  –  Mayor

    08 February  –  Stafford Borough Mayor’s Charity Ball  –  Mayor

    09 February  –  Stone Town Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night

    10 February  –  Mayor of Lichfield and Sheriff of Lichfield’s Charity Sunday Lunch  –  Mayor

    16 February  –  Stone Lions Dinner and Dance  –  Mayor

    28 February  –  Hilderstone Choir’s Presentation of Cheque to Cure   Leukaemia  –  Mayor  

  • 02 March  –  Texas Independence from Mexico – Flag Raising in Stone High Street  –  Mayor and Deputy Mayor

    03 March  –  Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Chairman’s Afternoon Tea  –  Mayor

    03 March  –  Charity Evening at the Royal Exchange  –  Mayor

    05 March  –  Rotary Technology Tournament at Walton Priory Middle School  –  Mayor

    08 March  –  Royal Air Forces Association, Stone & District Branch – Annual Dinner  –  Mayor

    15 March  –  Stone Town Mayor’s Charity Pig Race  –  Mayor

    20 March  –  Oak Tree Farm Rural Project  –  Annual General Meeting  –  Mayor

    22 March  –  Stafford Borough Mayor’s Charity Lunch and Mystery Shopper Talk  –  Mayor

    23 March  –  Stone Air Cadets  –  Annual Dinner and Presentation  –  Mayor

    24 March  –  Service of Thanksgiving at St John’s Church, Walton, for Michael Roberts, Former Town Councillor  –  Mayor

    30 March  –  Stone Cemetery Commemoration, Graves of RAF Servicemen  –  Mayor

  • 01 April  –  Stone Community Hub’s Fourth Birthday Celebration  –  Mayor

    06 April  –  Stone Town Mayor’s Street Collection – Mayor

    07 April  –  Mayor of Ashbourne’s Civic Service of Thanksgiving – Mayor

    08 April  –  Borough Mayor and Mayoress – Visit to Stone  –  Mayor

    09 April  –  Lieutenant Colonel C. Dixon, Commanding Officer, 22 Signal Regiment – Visit to Stone  –  Mayor & Deputy Mayor

    09 April  –  Trinity Skills for life Easter Service  –  Mayor

    13 April  –  Stone Choral Society  –  Spring Concert  –  Mayor

    17 April  –  Receive photograph of Stone (of Remembrance Sunday 2018) from Stone Historical Society  –  Mayor

    20 April  –  St George’s Day Re-enactment  –  Mayor

    24 April  –  Stone Gang Show 2019 – Stone and District Scout Council  –  Mayor

    26 April  –  Biddulph Civic Society Charity Ball  –  Mayor

    27 April  –  Stone Town Council – Civic Dinner

    29 April  –  Stone Common Plot’s Annual General Meeting  –  Mayor

  • 07 May – Opening of Specsavers Store in High Street, Stone – Mayor

    10 May  –  AEDdonate Charity Ball  –  Mayor

    11 May – ABF The Soldiers’ Charity – Stoke-on-Trent Military Tattoo – Mayor

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