Mayor’s Cadets 2023-24
Mayor’s Cadets, Sergeant William Follows and Jude Turner-Farmer, attended the Town Council’s meeting on Tuesday 6 August 2024 to receive their Certificates of Appreciation, presented by Councillor Jim Davies at the end of his Mayoral term 2023-24.
Air Cadet, Sergeant William Follows
No 2352 (Stone) Squadron, Air training Corps
Army Cadet, Jude Turner-Farmer
Stone Detachment (Mercian Regiment) Army Cadets
Background Information
The councillor elected as Stone Town Mayor may appoint two cadets – one from the Stone Detachment (Mercian) Army Cadet Force and the other from 2352 (Stone) Squadron, Air Training Corps – to be Mayor’s Cadets for the ensuing year.
The Town Mayor Elect shall makes the appointments as soon as possible following their own appointment.
The officers in charge of the two Stone cadet units will each be asked to recommend to the Town Mayor-elect one cadet. The Town Mayor-elect will then arrange to meet the recommended cadets to confirm their suitability.
At the Annual Mayor Making Ceremony the Town Mayor will invest each mayor’s cadet and present them with their cadet maces.
The Town Mayor will present each cadet with a certificate on the conclusion of their period of appointment which will end at the Annual Meeting of the Council.
The principal duties of the mayor’s cadets are to attend in uniform upon the Town Mayor at civic and ceremonial occasions as follows:
- Mayor-making ceremony
- Civic Service
- Remembrance Sunday
- Other occasions as requested by the Town Mayor and agreed by the Officers Commanding the relevant cadet units